👉 引言:这是一个源码共读的系列文章,我管它叫偷裤衩,顾名思义,非常形象,妙不可言,不可多言,回味无穷。
const Button = forwardRef((originProps: ButtonProps, ref: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>) => {
const props = useDefaultProps(originProps, buttonDefaultProps);
const {
} = props;
const { classPrefix } = useConfig(); // [!code focus]
const [btnDom, setRefCurrent] = useDomRefCallback(); // [!code focus]
useRipple(ref?.current || btnDom); // [!code focus]
const renderChildren = content ?? children; // [!code focus]
let iconNode = icon; // [!code focus]
if (loading) iconNode = <Loading loading={loading} inheritColor={true} />; // [!code focus]
const renderTheme = useMemo(() => { // [!code focus]
if (!theme) { // [!code focus]
if (variant === 'base') return 'primary'; // [!code focus]
return 'default'; // [!code focus]
} // [!code focus]
return theme; // [!code focus]
}, [theme, variant]); // [!code focus]
const renderTag = useMemo(() => { // [!code focus]
if (!tag && href && !disabled) return 'a'; // [!code focus]
if (!tag && disabled) return 'div'; // [!code focus]
return tag || 'button'; // [!code focus]
}, [tag, href, disabled]); // [!code focus]
return React.createElement( // [!code focus]
renderTag, // [!code focus]
{ // [!code focus]
...buttonProps, // [!code focus]
href, // [!code focus]
type, // [!code focus]
ref: ref || setRefCurrent, // [!code focus]
disabled: disabled || loading, // [!code focus]
className: classNames( // [!code focus]
className, // [!code focus]
[ // [!code focus]
`${classPrefix}-button`, // [!code focus]
`${classPrefix}-button--theme-${renderTheme}`, // [!code focus]
`${classPrefix}-button--variant-${variant}`, // [!code focus]
], // [!code focus]
{ // [!code focus]
[`${classPrefix}-button--shape-${shape}`]: shape !== 'rectangle', // [!code focus]
[`${classPrefix}-button--ghost`]: ghost, // [!code focus]
[`${classPrefix}-is-loading`]: loading, // [!code focus]
[`${classPrefix}-is-disabled`]: disabled, // [!code focus]
[`${classPrefix}-size-s`]: size === 'small', // [!code focus]
[`${classPrefix}-size-l`]: size === 'large', // [!code focus]
[`${classPrefix}-size-full-width`]: block, // [!code focus]
}, // [!code focus]
), // [!code focus]
onClick: !disabled && !loading ? onClick : undefined, // [!code focus]
}, // [!code focus]
<> // [!code focus]
{iconNode} // [!code focus]
{renderChildren && <span className={`${classPrefix}-button__text`}>{renderChildren}</span>} // [!code focus]
{suffix && <span className={`${classPrefix}-button__suffix`}>{parseTNode(suffix)}</span>} // [!code focus]
</>, // [!code focus]
); // [!code focus]
}); // [!code focus]
Button.displayName = 'Button'; // [!code focus]
export default Button;
::: details 点我查看结构解读🔝 因为我们只看代码组织形式从而得出开发思维模型,所以不会探究更多逻辑细节。
<template> // [!code focus]
<component // [!code focus]
:is="tag" // [!code focus]
ref="_ref" // [!code focus]
v-bind="_props" // [!code focus]
:class="buttonKls" // [!code focus]
:style="buttonStyle" // [!code focus]
@click="handleClick" // [!code focus]
> // [!code focus]
<template v-if="loading"> // [!code focus]
<slot v-if="$slots.loading" name="loading" /> // [!code focus]
<el-icon v-else :class="ns.is('loading')"> // [!code focus]
<component :is="loadingIcon" /> // [!code focus]
</el-icon> // [!code focus]
</template> // [!code focus]
<el-icon v-else-if="icon || $slots.icon"> // [!code focus]
<component :is="icon" v-if="icon" /> // [!code focus]
<slot v-else name="icon" /> // [!code focus]
</el-icon> // [!code focus]
<span // [!code focus]
v-if="$slots.default" // [!code focus]
:class="{ [ns.em('text', 'expand')]: shouldAddSpace }" // [!code focus]
> // [!code focus]
<slot /> // [!code focus]
</span> // [!code focus]
</component> // [!code focus]
</template> // [!code focus]
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { ElIcon } from '@element-plus/components/icon'
import { useNamespace } from '@element-plus/hooks'
import { useButton } from './use-button'
import { buttonEmits, buttonProps } from './button'
import { useButtonCustomStyle } from './button-custom'
defineOptions({ // [!code focus]
name: 'ElButton', // [!code focus]
}) // [!code focus]
const props = defineProps(buttonProps) // [!code focus]
const emit = defineEmits(buttonEmits) // [!code focus]
const buttonStyle = useButtonCustomStyle(props) // [!code focus]
const ns = useNamespace('button') // [!code focus]
const { _ref, _size, _type, _disabled, _props, shouldAddSpace, handleClick } =
useButton(props, emit) // [!code focus]
const buttonKls = computed(() => [ // [!code focus]
ns.b(), // [!code focus]
ns.m(_type.value), // [!code focus]
ns.m(_size.value), // [!code focus]
ns.is('disabled', _disabled.value), // [!code focus]
ns.is('loading', props.loading), // [!code focus]
ns.is('plain', props.plain), // [!code focus]
ns.is('round', props.round), // [!code focus]
ns.is('circle', props.circle), // [!code focus]
ns.is('text', props.text), // [!code focus]
ns.is('link', props.link), // [!code focus]
ns.is('has-bg', props.bg), // [!code focus]
]) // [!code focus]
defineExpose({ // [!code focus]
/** @description button html element */
ref: _ref, // [!code focus]
/** @description button size */
size: _size, // [!code focus]
/** @description button type */
type: _type, // [!code focus]
/** @description button disabled */
disabled: _disabled, // [!code focus]
/** @description whether adding space */
shouldAddSpace, // [!code focus]
}) // [!code focus]
</script> // [!code focus]
::: details 点我查看结构解读🔝
<script lang="ts">
import type { PrimitiveProps } from '@/Primitive'
import type { Ref } from 'vue'
import { useVModel } from '@vueuse/core'
import { createContext, useFormControl, useForwardExpose } from '@/shared'
import type { CheckedState } from './utils'
export interface CheckboxRootProps extends PrimitiveProps {
/** The checked state of the checkbox when it is initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control its checked state. */
defaultChecked?: boolean
/** The controlled checked state of the checkbox. Can be binded with v-model. */
checked?: boolean | 'indeterminate'
/** When `true`, prevents the user from interacting with the checkbox */
disabled?: boolean
/** When `true`, indicates that the user must check the checkbox before the owning form can be submitted. */
required?: boolean
/** The name of the checkbox. Submitted with its owning form as part of a name/value pair. */
name?: string
/** The value given as data when submitted with a `name`.
* @defaultValue "on"
value?: string
/** Id of the element */
id?: string
export type CheckboxRootEmits = {
/** Event handler called when the checked state of the checkbox changes. */
'update:checked': [value: boolean]
interface CheckboxRootContext {
disabled: Ref<boolean>
state: Ref<CheckedState>
export const [injectCheckboxRootContext, provideCheckboxRootContext]
= createContext<CheckboxRootContext>('CheckboxRoot')
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, toRefs } from 'vue'
import { Primitive } from '@/Primitive'
import { getState, isIndeterminate } from './utils'
defineOptions({ // [!code focus]
inheritAttrs: false, // [!code focus]
}) // [!code focus]
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<CheckboxRootProps>(), { // [!code focus]
checked: undefined, // [!code focus]
value: 'on', // [!code focus]
as: 'button', // [!code focus]
}) // [!code focus]
const emits = defineEmits<CheckboxRootEmits>() // [!code focus]
const { disabled } = toRefs(props) // [!code focus]
const checked = useVModel(props, 'checked', emits, { // [!code focus]
defaultValue: props.defaultChecked, // [!code focus]
passive: (props.checked === undefined) as false, // [!code focus]
}) as Ref<CheckedState> // [!code focus]
const { forwardRef, currentElement } = useForwardExpose() // [!code focus]
const isFormControl = useFormControl(currentElement) // [!code focus]
const ariaLabel = computed(() => props.id && currentElement.value // [!code focus]
? (document.querySelector(`[for="${props.id}"]`) as HTMLLabelElement)?.innerText // [!code focus]
: undefined) // [!code focus]
provideCheckboxRootContext({ // [!code focus]
disabled, // [!code focus]
state: checked, // [!code focus]
}) // [!code focus]
</script> // [!code focus]
<template> // [!code focus]
<Primitive // [!code focus]
v-bind="$attrs" // [!code focus]
:id="id" // [!code focus]
:ref="forwardRef" // [!code focus]
role="checkbox" // [!code focus]
:as-child="props.asChild" // [!code focus]
:as="as" // [!code focus]
:type="as === 'button' ? 'button' : undefined" // [!code focus]
:aria-checked="isIndeterminate(checked) ? 'mixed' : checked" // [!code focus]
:aria-required="false" // [!code focus]
:aria-label="$attrs['aria-label'] || ariaLabel" // [!code focus]
:data-state="getState(checked)" // [!code focus]
:data-disabled="disabled ? '' : undefined" // [!code focus]
:disabled="disabled" // [!code focus]
@keydown.enter.prevent="() => {
// According to WAI ARIA, Checkboxes don't activate on enter keypress
}" // [!code focus]
@click="checked = isIndeterminate(checked) ? true : !checked" // [!code focus]
> // [!code focus]
<slot /> // [!code focus]
</Primitive> // [!code focus]
<input // [!code focus]
v-if="isFormControl" // [!code focus]
type="checkbox" // [!code focus]
tabindex="-1" // [!code focus]
aria-hidden // [!code focus]
:value="value" // [!code focus]
:checked="!!checked" // [!code focus]
:name="props.name" // [!code focus]
:disabled="props.disabled" // [!code focus]
:required="props.required" // [!code focus]
:style="{ // [!code focus]
transform: 'translateX(-100%)', // [!code focus]
position: 'absolute', // [!code focus]
pointerEvents: 'none', // [!code focus]
opacity: 0, // [!code focus]
margin: 0, // [!code focus]
}" // [!code focus]
> // [!code focus]
</template> // [!code focus]
::: details 点我查看结构解读🔝
::: warning 注意,以上只是局部分析! 以上都是从组件目录开始的局部分析,本文旨在启发具体组件开发的思维,并非组件库架构,工程化建设,抑或是SSR等考量,所以请勿狭隘理解,本文旨在启发,抛砖引玉,关于组件库建设以及架构后续,我应该会单独开坑~ :::